Atak Pest Control

ants insects

Is there a sustainable product for killing ants and cockroaches?

Ants and cockroaches are causing different types of problems for people in routine life. Ants and cockroaches are found in every house and these are attracted due to food items spilling in home or on the floor. Those places which are not clean have many types of ants and cockroaches. It is important to keep the places clean in order to avoid ants and cockroaches.

There are many types of products in the market which can be used for elimination of ants and cockroaches. Different types of things could be made at home in order to eliminate ants and cockroaches. You can make things and use tips at home to eliminate ants and cockroaches in a natural manner.

Soapy water

Soapy water is good for killing ants and cockroaches. You can mix some soap in water in order to make a solution. This solution must be used in a spray bottle so that the ants and cockroaches could be targeted and killed on the spot. This type of spray can be made easily as you can use any type of soap for making this spray.

You can place this spray in a small bottle to make sure that you are able to use it when needed. When you see ants and cockroaches then you can use this spray directly in order to eliminate them. You can also spray soapy water on places which are hidden so that ants and cockroaches could be eliminated.

Cucumber slices

Slices of cucumber are good for providing resistance to ants and cockroaches. You can place slices of cucumber at different places so that ants and cockroaches could be avoided. It is good to use bitter cucumbers as these will provide more resistance and you will notice that ants and cockroaches are not able to enter your place.

This simple method can be used at any place and it will provide resistance for entry of ants and cockroaches. If you have ants and cockroaches at any place then this method will help in their elimination in a natural manner.


Different types of sprays are available in the market, which are able to eliminate ants and cockroaches. These sprays must not be used near food items as these could be poisonous. These types of sprays are providing instant relief from ants and cockroaches and kill them on the spot.

You can use sprays of your choice and use them on ants and cockroaches to eliminate them at any time. If you are suffering with problems of ants and cockroaches and you are looking for a reliable and instant solution then you can try sprays from the market.


Pieces of garlic are working well for elimination of ants and cockroaches. You can cut some slices of garlic and place them in different places where ants and cockroaches are present. These will work naturally and resist ants and cockroaches.

You can use this method at any place and get instant relief from ants and cockroaches. Slices of garlic can be used safely and provide resistance for ants and cockroaches for any place.

Copyright © 2016  A6HH5DPZUU5WM CC-BY-SA-4.0

carpet beetles insects

Top 5 Effective & Versatile Mosquito Control Solutions

It’s no secret that mosquitoes are a hazard, no matter how old you are or where you live. Especially with the current outbreaks of the Zika virus, it is even more important for people to protect themselves and their loved ones from these pests. Of course there are professional solutions, but you can up your chances of escaping their wrath with a few simple steps:

  1. Control Water  – Unfortunately, mosquitoes need water just as much as we humans do. They use it to breed, and before you know it, a few can turn into hundreds. While we can’t get rid of our pools and water sources, we can help protect them. This includes dumping/flipping anything unused that can hold still water: planters, dog dishes, kiddie pools, and anything else that can water can sit in. If there is an area in your yard with sitting water, you can fill it in with dirt or hire a professional. Also, with pools and garden ponds, use filters and clean often so that they can’t breed. And ALWAYS cover everything you can!

  2. Become a Fan of Fans – Like their favorite water supply, mosquitoes prefer still air, as well. The more air circulation, the less likely they will hang around. Though it may sound a little crazy, placing fans outside will help deter the mosquitoes from even landing. And the bonus is a nice breeze to cool you and your guests!

  3. Red Cedar Mulch – According to Tractor Supply, spreading this particular mulch around your garden/home not only improves the aesthetics, it also helps to deter mosquitoes from coming close. Simply spread the mulch in planted areas, but they also suggest brewing some in water to make a spray for cemented areas.

  4. Pinion Wood – We all know that citronella candles help ward off the little critters, but they also suggest burning pinion wood in a pit or fireplace too. If you combine the candles with the smoke from the pinion wood, they won’t stand a chance!

  5. Common Household Items – With a little bit of luck and some simple mixing, you can create your own mosquito repellants. Tractor Supply recommends spraying your lawn and garden with equal parts: stale beer (⅓), epsom salt (⅓), and mouthwash with alcohol (⅓). In addition, many, including my grandma, swear by Avon Skin So Soft. You can spray it all over your body, with little chance of having a reaction, and it’s safe for kids and pets! Finally, to capture any that have managed to make it past all your barriers: set containers with lemon scented dish soap away from the populated areas in your yard. The mosquitoes will be drawn to the lemon scent, thus away from your loved ones!


(Source: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquitoes, Tractor Supply Co. 2016,

Copyright © 2016  A2V78923TOFBNF CC-BY-SA-4.0

ants insects

How to Overcome Problems associated with Traditional Ant Bait Delivery.

Getting the type of bait correct

Ant bait is designed to be carried back to the colony, ingested by all the ants, thereby removing the infestation problem. As such, it is necessary to choose the correct type of bait. Not unlike humans, ants really enjoy sweet, high-protein and greasy foods; make this your bait. The next concern is what type of poison to use. The trick is to have an ant return to the nest intact so that the bait can do its job as effectively as possible. Killing the carrying ant is a good start but not the goal. Non-repellent insecticide has been shown to work. Slow-acting is the superior choice.

Location, location, location

Now we need to position the bait in a place that will most likely be found by an ant. For this, it is necessary to observe the paths and trails the ants usually take from the colony and put it as close to the colony as possible. Too far away and the ant may not successfully return it back. Too close and it will be consumed outside of the colony. Feel free to bait a few trails, the more bait returned the better. Do not put the bait in a high place, the ant may not discover it. Also, do not put the bait where other food sources are close by, the any may favor these foods over the bait (like trash-cans, pets’ dishes etc). Avoid wet places, this makes the food less appealing to the ant. Finally, be mindful of other odors or chemicals that may be present, that to an ant, might discourage it from taking the bait.

Other tips

You can also ‘bait the bait’, by leaving a trail of crumbs like potato chip pieces to draw ants in closer to the bait.

If placing it outside, use a protective covering like a ‘bait station’ – a covered container that has entrance ways for curious ants who don’t know what happened to the curious cat.

It may take a while for an entire colony of ants to perish. If you notice ants are taking the bait but still showing up a few days or a week later, just know that the process can take time – the bait may be working fine, the colony just requires a few administrations.

There may be more than one colony! This is why it is important to bait many trails instead of just relying on one location.

Happy hunting!

ants insects

What is an effective way to manage the Tawny Crazy Ant, Nylanderia fulva (Mayr)?

The Tawny crazy ant or Rasberry crazy ant is originally from South America.  The name comes from the erratic movement patterns of the ants. They get their Rasberry name from an exterminator, Tom Rasberry, who first discovered them in Florida.While they are mostly located throughout South America, they can be found in 27 gulf states in the USA.

The crazy ant is much smaller than the red fire ant, though they appear fairly physically similar. These ants cover their bodies in formic acid. This acid is used for two specific reasons: the acid protects them from the venom of fire ants and as weapon to use against attackers. While it is common for ants to use this acid when biting aggressors, using the acid as an antidote is unique to this species.

This is the first discovery of the technique of an insect using acid as an antidote. It was also the first discovery of the use of ionic liquids in nature.  While there are a few theories as to how this works, the truth is currently unknown.  

They are a tremendous pest in some South American countries.  Several cattle herds and chicken flocks in Colombia have been severally damaged because of ant attacks.  These ants also cultivate the growth of insects, so that they can feed.  Unfortunately, the insects that they cultivate dry out grasslands and kill plants.

They are often found destroying or living near electrical equipment  While scientists are not certain why these ants do this, it makes them an extremely annoying and destructive pest.

There are a number of ways to get rid of theses pests. The first step is to detect the nest. Because of the movement patterns of these ants, it helps to set out some honey or peanut butter based bait for the ants. Be sure to check under rocks or rotting vegetation, as these ants do not create their own mounds or hills.

The second step normally involves some kind of insecticide. It is important that you use a non-repellent insecticide. Non-repellent poisons are not detectable by the ants and they will spread when an ant walks over, and onto any of the other ants once they interact. While there are number of different brands of insecticide, it is recommend that you use, Taurus SC, FUSE, or Dominion 2L. Each brand has different instructions as to how you should go about spraying the insecticide.  

Copyright © 2016  APRZACFXPE8WW CC-BY-SA-4.0

insects termites

Top 10 termite Hotspots for 2016

Termites pose a significant threat to the value of your home by targeting its wooden infrastructure; if they aren’t detected and eliminated early, irreparable damage can be done. Prevention and early detection are key to protecting your home, so it’s critical for you to be at least one step ahead of this destructive insect. The following list presents the 10 highest profile targets and access points termites will be looking for around your home:

  1. Foundation cracks: Any opening along your foundation that gives termites an easy access route to the wood they seek should be addressed immediately
  2. Water damaged/rotten wood: Termites will take the path of least resistance if possible, and old soft wood is much easier to chew.
  3. Eaves and overhangs: There can be gaps where the wall meets the roof; weather might not come in because the roof covers the opening, but termites don’t need much space to get through.
  4. Wood that touches the ground: Wooden siding, beams or supports that make contact with the ground are likely to absorb moisture and provide a softer target for termite jaws.
  5. Crawlspaces: We might not like to go into them, but they can be a treasure trove of wood debris to attract termites.
  6. Landscaping: Untreated wood chips and mulch can make an attractive base of operations for termites as they plan their next attack on your home.
  7. Moisture from leaks, floods, or foundation issues: Not only does water damage make wood easier for termites to consume, but sources of water are also needed for their colony…excessive dampness can make your home attractive to them.
  8. Plumbing: Look out for entry points wherever you have pipes coming out of your exterior wall, such as garden hose spigots. Termites might be attracted looking for water, and discover a way inside.
  9. Windows: Even a tiny crack will allow termites access, and it isn’t your living room they’re after but the wooden framework inside your walls. Look for cracks around the outside of the window frame where it meets your siding..
  10. Woodpiles: Everyone loves a nice fireplace, but don’t stack wood against the side of your house, as it could both attract termites and conceal their point of entry into the house proper.

Use this list as a starting point for planning your defense against these invasive pests. The cost of protecting your home is much cheaper than the cost of repairing the damage termites can cause, or the loss of resale value on your family’s biggest investment.

Copyright © 2016 David Winkler-Groschen CC-BY-SA-4.0